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PERCo controllers are mass-produced, have ISO certification and EU declarations of conformity. Equipment is shipped from the warehouse only after having a multi-level quality control.

Controller model CT/L14 CT/L04 CR01
Locks number 4 2
Turnstiles number 2 1
Built-in readers number

External readers number 8 2
Users number 50000 50000 5000
Events number 150000 135000 140000
Alarm system loops number
Interface type Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet

Maximum ACS controllers number in subsystem –1000, the system doesn’t require a constant connection of devices with computer, where access control system server is installed. Devices store system settings, and when this computer is switched off, store the events in the nonvolative memory. While switching on the computer, stored events are sent to the computer with simultaneous event log clearing.

Access controller supports five operation modes for access control.

  • «Open» — free passage is allowed during the whole time of mode operation.
  • «Control» — passage is allowed by presenting an authorized card. If the card is invalid, controller will deny the access.
  • «Meeting» — differs from “Control” mode only by an indication on the card readers.
  • «Closed» — operation units are blocked, passage by cards is impossible.
  • «Security» — operation units are blocked, passage by cards is impossible. To install or remove this mode, one needs to present the card with appropriate rights twice, or by a command from PC.

CR01 T&A controller is used for working time record.

It’s possible to make an equipment setting and diagnostics through Web interface. Web interface is used when a remote control is required, Web interface usage is possible in any operational systems and platforms, including mobile ones.

In several cases, f.e., for small access control systems, one can manage without software, using only Web interface, as there is an opportunity to upload a list of card numbers into access controller to which an access should be provided, and afterwards edited. Web interface will allow the following from any computer of the network:

  • test and set up control devices
  • look through events Log of a chosen ACS controller, determine card numbers by which passes were made and passes time.
  • load, look through and edit proximity access card list (card numbers without full name indication)