PERCo new products at MIPS´2004
On the 26th of April the International exhibition MIPS´2004 opened its doors in Moscow and will last till the 29th of April. PERCo new products are presented at the exhibition at the stands of our Moscow partners.
The PERCo new waist-high rotor turnstile is exhibited at the stand of the company «Luis+». The standard coating of the turnstile is polished stainless steel. The application of the electromagnetic drive and the DC motor in this series of models ensures high reliability of the turnstile operation.
The group of companies «Trascon» is going to display PERCo new wicket gate with drive WMD-04S. The gate post is made of stainless steel and combines both elegant design and functional completeness.
Get acquainted with our products at our partners stands at:
Moscow, Olympiisky av. 16, (sport complex «Olympiisky», metro station «Prospect Mira»)