«Security and Safety Technologies — 2007»: first presentation of PERCo-S-20 Security & Management Enhancement System
PERCo team has just come back from the largest East European security exhibition held at the Crocus Expo venue in Moscow where the company was presenting the full renewed spectrum of its products.
The centre of the exposition was a stand displaying the latest PERCo development — the PERCo-S-20 complex security system. This integrated multifunctional solution based on innovative Ethernet technology enables concurrent handling of security-related issues and more efficient business operation of the customer company. The flexibility module structure of the system provides for seamless upgrade of the basic module and integration of PERCo-S-20 into most of existing networks and systems.
Conceptual and technical merits of the innovation received the due appraisal from all security professionals that visited the stand. They appreciated smart design of the new series of controllers and readers and showed even greater interest on the new IC-01 card return unit.
Among other products, PERCo presented their complete range of turnstiles including the new aluminium Full Security Full Height line. The PERCo parking management system also enjoyed visitors´ attention.
Drawing a total of about 500 participants from 20 countries, this year´s exhibition became the most representative ever.